En konceptbild för vad jag möjligtvis kommer att göra som mitt slutarbete.
A concept pic of what I might do for my final work.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Friday, October 4, 2013
Monday, September 16, 2013
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Ett beställningsarbete som jag började arbeta med efter det att Osmosis-utställningen var över och som jag samtidigt räknade som en del av mitt praktikarbete under juni månad.
A commissioned work that I started working on after the Osmosis-exhibition was over, it is also part of my practical work for school during the month of June.
A commissioned work that I started working on after the Osmosis-exhibition was over, it is also part of my practical work for school during the month of June.
Friday, May 31, 2013
The Osmosis Project finished
Det slutliga resultatet, en serie på fem bilder till utställningen "Osmosis" vid gamla brandstationen i Jakobstad.
The final result, a series of five pictures for the exhibition "Osmosis" at the old firestation in Jakobstad.
The final result, a series of five pictures for the exhibition "Osmosis" at the old firestation in Jakobstad.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Untitled 5
Den sista bilden i en serie på fem som kommer att ställas ut i samband med utställningen "Osmosis" den 24:e maj. Serien är fortfarande inte klar, jag bestämde mig bara för att färdigställa den sista bilden nu, eftersom den har mest detaljer och jag ville inte spara det till sist och stressa med att göra den färdig.
The last pic in a series of five that will be exhibited at the exhibition "Osmosis" on the 24th of May. The series is not yet finished, I just decided to draw the last piece now, since it has the most details and I didn´t want to save it for last and have to stress to get it finished.
The last pic in a series of five that will be exhibited at the exhibition "Osmosis" on the 24th of May. The series is not yet finished, I just decided to draw the last piece now, since it has the most details and I didn´t want to save it for last and have to stress to get it finished.
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Osmosis Project
Vad jag hållit på med de senaste veckorna i anknytning till utställningen "Osmos" som vi kommer att ha vid Jakobstads brandstation den 24:e maj. Kommer förhoppningsvis att teckna ytterligare tre bilder till serien innan den är klar.
What I´ve been working on for the past few weeks in association with the "Osmosis"-exhibition that´s gonna start on the 24th of May at Jakobstad´s firestation. Will hopefully draw three more pics before the series is finished.
What I´ve been working on for the past few weeks in association with the "Osmosis"-exhibition that´s gonna start on the 24th of May at Jakobstad´s firestation. Will hopefully draw three more pics before the series is finished.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Caged familiarity
Sista bilden i serien.
Den här bilden refererar i stort sätt tillbaka på den förra, att vi vartefter vi blir äldre hamnar in i ett schema som vi följer dag ut och dag in, vi gör samma sak hela tiden eftersom det känns tryggt och bekant, vi blir som maskiner.
The last pic in the series.
This one pretty much refers back to the last picture, that as we get older we fall into this schedule that we follow day in and day out, we do the same things over and over again because it feels safe and familiar, we become like machines.
Den här bilden refererar i stort sätt tillbaka på den förra, att vi vartefter vi blir äldre hamnar in i ett schema som vi följer dag ut och dag in, vi gör samma sak hela tiden eftersom det känns tryggt och bekant, vi blir som maskiner.
The last pic in the series.
This one pretty much refers back to the last picture, that as we get older we fall into this schedule that we follow day in and day out, we do the same things over and over again because it feels safe and familiar, we become like machines.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Jonathan Davis WIP
Detta är vad som sakta men säkert håller på att ta form inne i ateljén just nu. Bilden föresäller Jonathan Davis, sångare i bandet "Korn" med sitt berömda mikrofonstativ.
This is what slowly but surely is starting to take shape inside the studio at the moment. The person in the pic is Jonathan Davis, singer in the band "Korn" and his famous microphone stand.
This is what slowly but surely is starting to take shape inside the studio at the moment. The person in the pic is Jonathan Davis, singer in the band "Korn" and his famous microphone stand.
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